Today, it has never been more important to think sustainability into your business and take a share of responsibility in global development from an environmental, economic and social perspective. Good Food Group's sustainability work is the foundation of our efforts to be a responsible and attractive company based on Nordic values. We strive to reduce our environmental and climate footprint and offer our customers more sustainable and tasty quality products.
At Good Food Group, we are continuously implementing initiatives at our factories in areas such as energy consumption and optimisation, waste management, quality and food safety. We work closely with our packaging suppliers to develop new types of packaging that are better for the environment and can be transported more smartly and efficiently.
Good Food Group recognises that we have a responsibility to ensure that our activities have the least possible impact on the people, animals and environment that we must touch in our business and value chain. We want good dialogue and cooperation with our customers, suppliers and business partners that benefits the environment and the climate. We believe that this will help to create sustainable and long-term growth, which will be a prerequisite for us to continue to offer our customers tomorrow's products with the good taste for which Good Food Group is known.
Today, job satisfaction, professional development and flexibility have become competitive factors in attracting new and retaining existing in-house talent. We therefore strive to continuously implement initiatives that support a modern work culture where new generations of employees can see themselves.
Good Food Group has chosen to focus on the UN Sustainable Development Goal 12 - Responsible Consumption and Production - as the framework for our sustainability work. We have assessed that through SDG 12, Good Food Group has the largest footprint, and therefore the greatest opportunity for positive impact through our value chain and production. With this SDG as a guideline, we will constantly focus on, among other things, using and recycling our resources responsibly, minimising product waste in production and managing our waste responsibly, as well as ensuring that our product and transport packaging can be recycled.
At Good Food Group, we take responsibility for the environmental and climate impact of our production and activities. We will continuously work to optimize our energy sources, utilize excess heat and reduce our greenhouse gas emissions in scope 1, 2 and 3 according to the recognized international Greenhouse Gas Protocol.
We want to offer tasty, green and organic food that reflects the food of tomorrow, while focusing on responsible sourcing, production and value chain. With our products, we also want to help guide households in waste sorting through sorting instructions and use packaging that can be easily separated. We will review existing and in the future rethink our packaging so that it will be designed for the circular economy in the future.
As a company, Good Food Group recognises that our people are the foundation of good business. We therefore strive to be an attractive and modern workplace, where the focus is on the individual employee. We take areas such as diversity, health, safety and the working environment seriously and always aim to improve in these areas.
At Good Food Group we want to show our action, progress and be transparent about our goals and sustainability work. In the future, we will report on our ESG data and are working towards a climate and sustainability report.
From July 1, 2022, the Transparency Act came into force in Norway. The purpose is to promote companies' respect for fundamental human rights and decent working conditions among business partners and in supply chains. An important part of the Act is to ensure public access to information about these issues and how companies handle them. The legal requirement, together with other measures, will contribute to Norway's efforts to meet and comply with UN Sustainable Development Goal 8 on decent work and economic growth and Goal 12 on responsible consumption and production.
Good Food Group has its own Human and Labour Rights Policy, which covers our work with human rights in our own organization and supply chain. The policy is based on the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and describes the main principles for how we will address the human and labor rights that are most relevant to our daily operations.
Good Food Group requires all our direct suppliers to approve Good Food Group's Supplier Code of Conduct, which describes our supplier requirements related to human rights. This means that the supplier commits to conduct its production in accordance with internationally recognized standards related to human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption. We monitor our suppliers through supplier evaluations and third-party audits.
In autumn 2022, we moved into our newly built headquarters, where environmental measures have been a focus throughout the process. In line with our work on UN SDG 12, minimising resource waste has been central to the planning of the building. For example, we have installed light sensors in all rooms to prevent unnecessary lighting. We have done the same with water sensors in the toilets. In addition, we have chosen not to have bins at each office space to save plastic bags, and we have optimised our waste sorting with more fractions in our kitchenettes and in the canteen kitchen. Outside in the car park, charging points have been installed for electric cars, and on the site a wild-willow area has been prioritised in the hope of contributing to biodiversity.
For Good Food Group products, for example, we are proud that 100% of Jakobsen's packaging is made from post-consumer recycled PET and is FSC certified. In addition, 100% of our PET bottles across the range are recyclable. We have been working with organic products for many years now and today, for example, 42% of Jakobsen's range is organic and the corresponding 30% of Svansø's range is organic.
It's not just at the head office in Vejle that environmental initiatives are being considered. In our production, we focus on improving the working environment, reducing waste, supporting the local football team and optimising productivity without increasing energy consumption. See the environmental measures we have implemented at our production sites below.
Our goal is to make it even easier for you to make green, tasteful choices, which is why you can read more about our green solutions here, as well as the different labels you'll find on our products and what they mean for each product.
Good Food is committed to quality and requires production units to be certified to the highest food safety standards. Read more about our long-standing production below.
We are on a journey together. A journey about creating the best food experiences. We do this by being curious about new possibilities and passionate about the food of tomorrow.